


Food ingredients Europe 2019 in Paris, came to an end after 3 days full of very interesting contacts with leading industry professionals. 

From the ingredients presented in FiE 2019, the discussions we had and the new trends that were showcased within the New Product Zone and during Supplier Solution Session, we got the following very interesting conclusions:

  • The plant-based revolution. As plant-based eating is moving from trend to food revolution status, the industry is taking up the challenge to deliver more “clean label” meet and dairy alternatives. 3 in 5 global consumers say that they prefer “plant-based” over vegan and vegetarian claims when buying alternatives to meet and/or dairy*.
  • Health is a consumer megatrend. As sugar is the number one avoided ingredient in food items, the demand for sugar-reduced products and applications is on the rise. In fact, 54% of consumers are willing to pay more for sugar-reduced products.
  • Snack manufacturers can reach a healthier level for their products and meet the global trend around “better-for-you” snacks. The 48% of global consumers say that they care more than the texture experience than for the ingredients list of a food product*. Natural ingredients such as nuts and fruits not only add texture to snacking products, but also have the positive side effect that the visual sense is also addressed by attractive, bright colors and pieces. For this reason, many food producers, are using nuts in their attempt to make their products healthier, so we had a lot of food producers which we are keen to support with our R&D efforts.

* According to Innova Market Insights consumers survey 2019

The team of Petrou Nuts S.A.




Social Responsibility


As concerns about scarcity and inequality become increasingly urgent, many investors are eager to generate both business and social returns-to “do well by doing good”. One avenue is impact investing. Directing capital to ventures that are expected to yield social and environmental benefits as well as profits.

The Rise Fund, an impact investing fund managed by TPG Growth and the Bridgespan Group, a global social-impact advisory firm, which has attempted to bring the rigor of financial performance measurement to the assessment of social and environmental impact. Through trial and error, and in collaboration with experts who have been working for years in the field, the partnership between Rise and Bridgespan has produced a methodology to estimate, before any money is committed, the financial value of the social and environmental good that is likely to result from each dollar invested. The new metric is called impact multiple of money (IMM).

Calculating an IMM is not a trivial undertaking, so any business that wishes to use it must first determine which products, services or projects warrant the effort. 

In the following rows it will be explained how to calculate an IMM during an investment-selection process. The method consists of six steps.

Investors should begin by considering the relevance and scale of a product, a service or a project for evaluation. Of course, a program’s impact is not just about the number of people touched; it’s about the improvement achieved. Fewer people touched deeply may be worth more than many people hardly affected.

The second step in calculating an IMM is identifying the desired social or environmental outcomes and determining whether existing research verifies that they are achievable and measurable. Fortunately, investors can draw on a huge array of social science reports to estimate a company’s impact potential.

Once they have identified the target outcomes, social-impact investors need to find an “anchor study” that robustly translates those outcomes into economic terms. To choose an anchor study, they look at several key features, such as its rigor and its relevance.

The fourth step is to recognize the risk in applying findings from research that is not directly linked to a given investment opportunity. Therefore, investors adjust the social values     derived from applying the anchor study to reflect the quality and relevance of the research. They do this by calculating an “impact realization” index.

In finance, terminal value estimates a business’s worth in dollars beyond an explicit forecast period and typically accounts for a large percentage of the total projected value of a business. It is, however, a new concept in social investment, where attention usually focuses on quantifying present or historical impact. To be sure, for many projects the social impact does not long outlive the program. But others can have a long-term impact. In some cases, therefore, it makes sense to estimate a terminal value.

The final step in calculating an IMM differs for businesses and investors. Businesses can simply take the estimated value of a social or environmental benefit and divide it by the total investment. Investors, however, must take an extra step to account for their partial ownership of companies they are invested in.

In a world where more and more CEOs talk about profit and purpose, the IMM offers a rigorous methodology to advance the art of allocating capital to achieve social benefit.

Chris Addy, Maya Chorengel, Mariah Collins, Michael Etzel, Harvard Business Review, January-February 2019, Calculating the value of impact investing, p. 102

Health benefits of dates


Dates, called dabino in Hausa, have been identified to have several health benefits. The fruits are usually oblong, with varying sizes, colours, shapes, consistencies and quality. It is common to see traders selling different types and colours of dabino in Sokoto, Kano, Kaduna and other northern states of the country. Fresh dabino appear in either golden yellow or deep purple but are dark brown with honey-like coatings when dry.

A nutritionist, Mrs Toyin Fayiga, said dates contain natural fibre and a lot of other nutrients like oil, calcium, magnesium and more. She said dates are easily digestible and contain simple sugar like glucose, fructose and dextrose which are sources of instant energy. Dates are also rich in digestible fibre and can be a good laxative, and effective in treatment of constipation. The fruits are also said to have no cholesterol and low in fat, but the fibre in it binds to low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) in the gut and stops its absorption in the small intestine.

There are other uses of date fruits. Due to its high magnesium content, dates have anti-inflammatory properties and therefore good for chronic inflammatory conditions, like arthritis, and allergic reactions, among others. Date fruits are also useful in the treatment of water retention, oedema, cystitis, and yeast infection (candidiasis). The nutritionist noted that, so far, there are no known side effects or hazards associated with the use of date fruits. However, she advised that diabetic patients should avoid dates because of their high sugar content. She added that dates can also be used for cooking, and are commonly used to prepare porridge in Libya. “It is also used to produce local drink among the Hausas like Kunu Aya (tiger nut drink) and are added as component to enhance taste. The seeds are also soaked and ground for animal feeds,” she said.

Miss Chidera Ezenwafor, also a nutritionist, said the fruit of the date palm tree comes with a lot of health benefits. Dates are a good source of various vitamins and minerals, energy, sugar, and fiber, she said. According to her, it also contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and zinc. She said the fruits should be consumed because they lower cholesterol, improve bone health, strengthen the nervous system, improve skin, and promote digestion among others. Miss Ezenwafor suggested that dates could be used as a quick snack as they  contain vitamins such as B1, B2, B3 and B5, as well as A1 and C. She said: “If you have a few dates every day, you won’t have to take vitamin supplements. Not only will it keep you healthy, there will be a noticeable change in your energy levels because dates contain natural sugars such as glucose, sucrose, and fructose, too.”

Amina Hussaini Kana, Health benefits of dates, Daily Trust, 2018

Health Benefits of cashew fruit in pregnancy


Some future mothers are wary of nuts, missing health benefits of cashew, as there is an opinion about the dangers of nuts when carrying a child. There is no unambiguous evidence for this assumption since every case of intolerance to cashew fruit is individual. Therefore, without clear arguments and contraindications, it is not necessary to exclude cashews from your diet, because this delicacy can be useful not only for the health of a woman but also to support the normal development of the baby.

Unlike other types of nuts, cashews have the most balanced composition, which helps maintain the health of the future mother and baby. Get the following benefits from nuts:

  1. Prevention of anemia or low hemoglobin, which is a frequent phenomenon in pregnancy. Stabilization of pressure at inflated rates.
  2. Strengthening blood vessels, muscle fibers. Reduces the likelihood of seizures, numbness in legs.
  3. Prevention of avitaminosis, a deficiency of minerals necessary for the normal development of the future baby and the normal state of the mother.
  4. Maintaining and strengthening bone tissue in women and the developing fetus.
  5. Natural stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Positive effect on the functions of the heart Weight control.
  7. Cashews are quite nutritious, but they do not contribute to a set of extra pounds.
  8. Maintaining the normal development of the future baby, including through the presence of vitamin E, which is often prescribed in women's clinics, as an obligatory supplement to the nutrition of the mother.
  9. Prevention of gum disease, strengthening of teeth due to antimicrobial action, the presence of a number of trace elements.
  10. The calming effect.
  11. With the constant use, you get the withdrawal of nervousness, normalization of sleep, improvement of brain activity, memory.
  12. The general increase in immunity.  

Useful properties of nuts are manifested with regular and correct use, as well as with appropriate quantities. It is not necessary to abuse fruits, it will not only increase the benefits to the body, but it can also become a source of digestive disorders.

Alex Nenge, Health benefits of cashew fruit in pregnancy,, 2018

Hair Fall Control Diet: Include These 5 Foods In Your Daily Diet To Prevent Hair Fall


Here are some nutrient-rich foods that are known to keep your hair healthy and may stop hair fall when consumed regularly.

Eggs and Dairy Products 

Eggs and dairy products are great foods for promoting hair growth and increasing hair volume. Milk, yogurt and eggs are loaded with essential nutrients such as proteins, Vitamin B12, iron, zinc and Omega 6 fatty acids. Dairy products are also a great source of biotin (Vitamin B7) that is known to fight hair loss.


In addition to supplying your body with essential minerals, spinach also serves as a great vegetarian food for hair regrowth. Spinach is a great source of iron, vitamin A and C and protein. Iron deficiency is the main cause of hair fall and spinach is not only iron-rich, it also contains sebum which acts as a natural conditioner for hair. It also provides us with omega-3 acid, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. These help in maintaining a healthy scalp and lustrous hair.


To improve your skin and hair, omega-3 fatty acids in fish makes for a good choice. The fat soluble vitamins A, D,E and K present in fish also help benefit overall health of hair.  


Walnut contains biotin, B vitamins (B1, B6 and B9), Vitamin E, plenty of protein and magnesium, all of which strengthen hair cuticles and nourish the scalp.


The ayurvedic superfood has been a part of traditional hair care rituals since centuries. The phyto-nutrients, vitamins and minerals present in amla help in increasing the scalp circulation and stimulate healthy growth. Vitamin C of amla produces collagen protein. This helps in stimulating hair growth and volume . Collagens replace the dead cells of hair follicles with new hair cells.

Include these foods in your diet and see the difference for yourself. 

Hair Fall Control Diet: Include These 5 Foods In Your Daily Diet To Prevent Hair Fall, NDTV, 2018


Eating Hazelnuts May Help Improve Vitamin E Status in Older Adults


Many older adults do not consume adequate amounts of vitamin E from their habitual diet. Inadequate vitamin E intake is of concern for this population group because lower concentrations have been associated with age-related diseases.

The objective of this study, recently published to The Journal of Nutrition, was to determine the effect of daily hazelnut intake on vitamin E and magnesium status. A total of 32 participants were recruited and included in the study. They consumed approximately 57 g/day of hazelnuts for 16 weeks.

The study results observed that hazelnut consumption increased concentrations of the urinary α-tocopherol metabolite α-CEHC (a vitamin E biomarker) and serum concentrations of magnesium. They also decreased concentrations of fasting blood sugar levels and LDL “bad” cholesterol. In conclusion, consuming hazelnuts may help improve a biomarker of vitamin E status in older adults.

Eating Hazelnuts May Help Improve Vitamin E Status in Older Adults, INC, 2019

High Blood Pressure? Here’s Why You Should Include Figs In Your Diet



Fresh and dried figs contain large amounts of potassium, which may regulate blood pressure levels. Blood pressure is a condition where the force of blood against your arteries is too high. High blood pressure is a common cardiovascular condition across the world. Patients with raised blood pressure are often advised to keep a close eye on their diet. Anything excessively salty or spicy may surge your blood pressure levels beyond 120/80 mmHg. It is also advisable to avoid junk and processed food. You can snack on fresh and seasonal fruits instead. Figs are said to do wonders for managing blood pressure levels. The sweet and delectable fruit can be enjoyed in both fresh and dried forms. They are traditionally known to cure constipation and boost digestion due to their high fibre content. Figs are also one of the best sources of calcium, which is crucial to support bone health. Fresh and dried figs contain large amounts of potassium, which is crucial for smooth functioning of muscles and nerves, balancing fluid levels in the body, and regulating the heart rate and water balance. Figs are an ideal healthy food to eat if you have high blood pressure. Potassium is a nutrient that helps negate the ill-effects of sodium. It acts as vasodilator and help discharge sodium through urine. Excess sodium puts a lot of pressure on the walls of our blood vessels, which in turn increases the blood pressure levels. Make sure that your daily sodium intake is less than 2400 mg.

High Blood Pressure? Here’s Why You Should Include Figs In Your Diet, NDTV, 2019

Type 2 diabetes: The 5 best nuts for blood sugar control and weight reduction 




One study published in April 2011 in the journal Metabolism suggested that almonds can help control blood glucose levels and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease for people with type 2 diabetes. Fibre-rich foods like almonds help regulate blood sugar, keep you feeling full for longer and are good for digestion - all of which may aid weight loss.


A 2013 study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that eating walnuts may help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Research suggests that walnuts can help you lose weight by promoting feelings of fullness and preventing unhealthy food cravings. Despite being high in calories, a study in BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care also showed that walnuts could help improve ratio of HDL to LDL cholesterol without negatively affecting body weight or composition.


A healthy food choice for diabetes, peanuts are packed full of protein, fibre, good fats, and various essential nutrients. A 2013 study found that adding peanuts to cereal helped control blood sugar levels and appetite in obese women, indicating that they can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and aid weight loss.


A 12-week study found that participants with type 2 diabetes who were given a cashew-rich diet had lower blood pressure and higher levels of HDL cholesterol. The cashews also did not affect participants’ blood glucose levels or weight. 


Research shows that eating pistachios on a regular basis might lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Packed with fibre, protein and beneficial fats, a few studies found that pistachios improved blood sugar in people with diabetes.

The bottom line is, nuts are a great addition to a healthy diet. They can provide a number of health benefits when taken in appropriate amounts.

Type 2 diabetes: The 5 best nuts for blood sugar control and weight reduction,, 2019

6 high protein nuts and seeds to reduce belly fat



Rich in antioxidants, this superfood is known for its amazing health benefits. Almonds are not only a rich source of fiber, but at the same time they are rich in proteins and can keep you satiated for a longer period, thereby helping in weight loss. Moreover, it helps in reducing lowering blood sugar.

Cashew nuts

Cashews are the most popular nuts used to make several delicacies and drinks. However, there are several myths that cashews are not good for health. However, the reality is just opposite, cashews are a rich source of plant based protein and is rich in magnesium.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are a fad among health freaks, popular for its multiple health benefits, these healthy seeds can work wonders on your health. Packed with the goodness of antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, flaxseeds are also loaded with healthy proteins, iron and fibre, which further helps in weight management. Due to the high fiber content, flaxseeds keep you full for a longer period of time, which helps in cutting down on the stubborn belly fat.

Brazil nuts

High on healthy plant based proteins, Brazilian nuts are a great source of minerals, which help in effective cutting down the stubborn belly fat. Moreover, it is low on carbs, which acts a catalyst for shedding those extra kilos. Including this a daily diet can help in effective weight management.


These delicious nuts are amazingly delicious as well as healthy, so if you are planning to lose weight then adding it to your daily diet will help in reducing weight quickly. Due to the presence of proteins, pistachios make for a perfect munchy, which healthy as well as satiating.

Pumpkin seeds

Much like flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds are a rich source of Vitamin A, calcium and protein, which makes it a healthy fat free snack. Pumpkin seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients and can work wonders for skin, hair and weight loss. The nutty flavour of these seeds have made it a hit among health freaks and makes for a healthy on-the-go delight!

6 high protein nuts and seeds to reduce belly fat, Times of India, 2019

New plant-focused diet would ‘transform’ planet’s future, say scientists


‘Planetary health diet’ would prevent millions of deaths a year and avoid climate change.

The first science-based diet that tackles both the poor food eaten by billions of people and averts global environmental catastrophe has been devised. It requires huge cuts in red meat-eating in western countries and radical changes across the world.

The “planetary health diet” was created by an international commission seeking to draw up guidelines that provide nutritious food to the world’s fast-growing population. At the same time, the diet addresses the major role of farming – especially livestock – in driving climate change, the destruction of wildlife and the pollution of rivers and oceans.


Damian Carrington, New plant-focused diet would ‘transform’ planet’s future, say scientists, The Guardian, 2019

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